Prof. Kim graduated from Keimyung University in Daegu, South Korea, and the Bordeaux ll Universite in France. He obtained a doctorate degree with his anthropological study of oriental martial arts origins.
Specializing in anthropology, Prof Kim also has a wide range of knowledge covering history and philosophy. Over the last 30 years he has studied and practiced various martial arts and a wide range of qigong styles such as Taijiquan, Xingyiquan and Shaolinquan. Currently, he teaches and researches at Youngsan University, South Korea.
1985 BA French Language and Literature, Keimyung University. South Korea.
1987 Sociology, Bordeaux Ⅱ University, France.
1988 BA Socio-Cultural Anthropology, BordeauxⅡ University, France.
1990 MA Ethnology, Bordeaux Ⅱ University, France.
1998 Ph.D Socio-Cultural Anthropology, BordeauxⅡ University, France.
Positions held:
2005.08 - present Professor at Youngsan University.
2004.03 - 2005.07 Chief of Department of Oriental Martial Arts, Youngsan University.
2002.01 - 2004.02 Dean of Sport College at Youngsan University.
2001.03 - 2001.08 Lecturer at Keimyung University
2000.09 - 2000.12 Lecturer at Kyungbuk University.
1998.09 - 1999.07 Upres-A5036, Post-doctoral fellow at The Institute for Society, Health and Development (of the French National Science Institute).
1987.10 - 1999.07 Lecturer at Bordeaux ll University.
Publications (selection):
1998 L Origine et le developpement des arts martiaux: anthropologie historique et comparee. Universite Bordeaux ll (Doctorate thesis).
1999 L Origine et le developpement des arts martiaux: pour une anthropologie des techniques du corps. L Harmattan, Paris.
1999 Regard sur la medecine coreenne : la sante est-elle une harmonie. FACE A FACE, Upres-A5036 C.N.R.S.
2000 Modernization of Japanese Martial Arts: Shotokan Karate. Journal of Korean Society of Sport and Leisure Studies. Number 14.
2001 French Martial Arts Instructors Today: Bordeaux City. Presentation in the Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation,and Dance. 2001 Westernization of Oriental Martial Arts: Bordeaux in France. Journal of Korean Society for Cultural Anthropology. Volume 34, Number 2.